Urinary Incontinence
What is it?
The involuntary loss of urine whether it be a few drops or complete emptying of your bladder. If it wasn’t on purpose, then it’s incontinence.
Urge Incontinence (aka. overactive bladder):
Sudden urges to urinate and loss of control before reaching the bathroom. It is often associated with behaviours or triggers.
Stress Incontinence:
Leaking when there is an increase in pressure through the abdomen. For example, when sneezing, laughing, coughing, walking.
Mixed Incontinence:
Both stress and urge incontinence are present.
Overflow Incontinence:
When an overfull bladder constantly leaks due to a blockage at the urethra, weak or decreased contractility of the bladder, neuropathy, or an injury to the nerves that affects the bladder.
Functional Incontinence:
Inability to make it to the washroom in time due to physical, functional, or cognitive limitations.